Sunday, May 31, 2015

Human Weakness | 1 Nephi 19:6

I do not know for sure the source of Nephi's weakness in writing. I know writing for many, myself included, is difficult and takes time and effort. Moroni talked about the same weakness "thou hast not made us mighty in writing; wherefore, when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words." I suspect that it had something to do with their written language.

God gives "unto men weakness that they may be humble." He also takes weakness and the weak things of this world to show forth His great power and tender mercies. Joseph Smith is a prime example of this--he came from humble circumstances to become a prophet of God, full of power and authority. The Book of Mormon similarly came out of weakness with great power and strength. The Lord had a wise purpose for these writings and knew that they would be read by millions of people. The Lord made these writings powerful unto the very piercing of the heart and soul of man in spite of weakness.

How exactly did the Book of Mormon become a strength out of weakness? I do not know for sure, it could have been through the translation process that the Lord made up for its weaknesses. It could be strictly through the power of the Holy Ghost. However, I do know that it came about through the infinite Atonement of Christ. Just as the Atonement bridges the gap for sin and affliction, it makes up the difference for weakness. "My grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." Nephi and Moroni's weaknesses were turned to strengths because of their humility and obedience and through the Atonement of Christ.

I am grateful for the power of the Atonement in my life. I know that He can make up the differences where I fall short and that the changes that come and make weak things strengths are not from me but come through the grace of Christ when I allow Him to work on me from within. I know that He shows forth His great and marvelous power in my life through small and simple tender mercies.

Ether 12
It Isn’t a Sin to Be Weak

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Wise Purpose | 1 Nephi 19

Nephi is commanded to make the small plates of Nephi for a wise purpose in this chapter. He tells us his objective and purpose for creating these plates. These same principles drive all scripture. See if you can pick out some of those purposes. Here are some of the ones I found and how it relates to the everyday saint:

Scripture only contain sacred things and things of "great worth, both to the body and soul." The everyday saint will find peace and renewal of both body and spirit by daily feasting upon the word of God.

Only the obedient and humble will see its worth. The Lord will bless the everyday believer with great treasures of wisdom and knowledge as they go to Him in humble prayer, full of obedience.

They teach of the coming of Christ. The everyday saint will make Christ the center of their life by studying the scriptures daily. They will see Christ and His enlightenment and understanding coming into their life like "a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:14)

They teach of Christ's attributes. "His loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children of men." The daily saint will bring great blessings into their life by studying, learning, practicing and emulating Christ's attributes.

It shows the faith of the fathers that came before as they endured bondage, trials and afflictions and it shows the multitude of tender mercies that they received. The everyday disciple who learns of the faith of their fathers and the Lord's tender mercies will find strength and comfort knowing that that same loving and tender God will have mercy on them thus their own eyes will be opened to the multitude of daily blessings poured out from heaven.

They teach of the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ and the mercy He has given through the Atonement. "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." (2 Nephi 25:26) The everyday follower will look to Christ and the Atonement daily for the strength of body and spirit to overcome the follies of the world and to overcome pain and affliction.

It reveals prophecies and shows the signs of the times especially of the events leading up to the coming of Christ. The saint who studies these prophecies of old will be well-informed in their own time and the times to come. They will find direction in the uncertainties of life as the Lord reveals His will through the power of the Holy Ghost.

They show the visitations of Christ to His people. The saint of God will be visited by Christ in their times of need and they will hear His voice "unto their great joy and salvation."

It is a voice of prophetic warning to the house of Israel to those who have turned from the way. The Lord is ever waiting with arms outstretched, ready and willing to take the burden of those that heed His warnings. The daily disciple who reads, studies and follows the Lord's voice of warning will find their way in a world full of confusion and disarray.

It provides a message of tenderness and love to those who turn back to the God of Israel. A true follower of Christ will find that as they turn back to Christ daily that they will have peace as a river, continually flowing and righteousness as the waves of the sea, continuously moving and progressing toward eternal life. (Isaiah 48:18)

They teach of the Lord's covenants with His children and the renewal of those covenants with the everyday saint who turns their heart towards Him. They will find that they are eternally bound to that loving God who gave them life.

It is a tool for gathering those whose hearts are turned towards the Savior. "Yea, and all the people who are of the house of Israel, will I gather in."  The pure in heart will recognize the Savior's words and come to Him daily to be "gathered as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings." (3 Nephi 10:4)

It will be a blessing for all mankind and it will bless the ends of the earth. "All the earth shall see the salvation of the Lord; every nation, kindred, tongue and people shall be blessed." The daily disciple will find that the scriptures will open their eyes to the saving power of a perfect Savior and to His multitude of tender mercies.

It was written to turn the hearts of men to the God of salvation. "That perhaps I might persuade them that they would remember [and that I might more fully persuade them to believe in] the Lord their Redeemer." A true follower will be persuaded to remember and believe in the Lord their Redeemer turning to Him every day with full purpose of heart and with faith.

They show the doings of the house of Israel—the Jews, the broken branches of Israel and the Gentiles. "He surely did show unto the prophets of old all things concerning them; and also he did show unto many concerning us; wherefore, it must needs be that we know concerning them for they are written upon the plates of brass." The daily seeker of truth who studies the history and follies of the Lord's people will be able to fortify themselves against repeating those same mistakes. They will learn from their history of what makes a people truly happy.

They are meant to be applied directly to the life of each that read their words. "I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning that ye may have hope." The wise will study the word of God daily seeking divine direction and applying its principles to their everyday lives.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Praise God in Affliction | 1 Nephi 18:16

Affliction and trials are the only way to grow and become purified and refined in this life. Cursing God for them accomplishes nothing, rather looking to Him and praising Him without complaint will bring down the blessings of heaven.

Just as the Atonement covers more than sin, so too does mercy cover more than sin. Christ took upon Himself the pain and suffering of all mankind, thus providing mercy from that pain and suffering. I believe that justice and mercy applies just as much in this situation.  Justice says, "You must triumph over the trials of this life by walking through the furnace of affliction in order to prove that you are fit for the kingdom of God." Whereas, Christ says, "I will lift you up and walk with you through your trials and afflictions and I will pour down my tender mercies upon you." Thus, the counterweight for trials and afflictions are God's tender mercies or blessings. Just as living up to the law of justice without mercy is impossible, so too is living up to the law of affliction without mercy is impossible.

Sometimes, I find myself too busy drowning in afflictions to be able to notice the plethora of tender mercies all around me. How can I praise God if I am not recognizing His hand in my life? The Israelites were symbolically told to look to Christ and live. Nephi says, "I did look unto my God." Both sin and affliction can be overcome by looking to God. Turning towards Christ opens the eyes towards the countless tender mercies that are ever before them. It also opens the mouth to call down additional blessings.

I have started a new Tender Mercies journal to help me recognize the Lord's hand in my life. Each night at bedtime, I try to think back over my day and pick out the tender mercies I have received that day. Sometimes they are huge and undeniable mercies given in answer to prayer, but most times for me, it is small and simple ways—almost imperceptible. The family can also benefit from this by making it a family tradition to discuss tender mercies at dinner or scripture time. Praises and gratitude can only come when actively seeing the Lord's hand.

Monday, May 11, 2015


A speaker on Sunday spoke about mothering and how it comes before maternity. It is an instinct or built-in quality given to all women whether or not they have children. He used Mother Eve as an example of this.

This got me pondering about the Garden of Eden and the Fall. At times, I have wondered what if Adam and Eve chose not to fall—was it just left to chance that they would eventually fall? I have learned through my Book of Mormon studies that the Lord leaves nothing to chance. It became very clear to me that Eve and her mothering instinct was not just an instinct it was her very nature, it was at the core of who she really is. Her mothering allowed her to see the big picture and influenced her decisions, allowing her to choose to be a mother inspite of the pain and suffering that would come with it. Her name Eve, "the mother of all living" is more than just a title—it describes her perfectly.

I am grateful to mothers and their innate ability to nurture. I am grateful to Mother Eve and her example of motherhood. I am grateful to my mother for her strength and faith. I am grateful to my wife and her perseverance through trial and for her natural ability for empathy.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Knowledge from God | 1 Nephi 18:2, 9

Loss of Knowledge

Laman and Lemuel were just shocked by the Lord and recognized His power as supreme. They saw the workmanship of the Lord through Nephi and their own labors. They knew it was done through the power of God and were brought down in humility. Yet in a short amount of time, they lose that knowledge. It was not the first time; in 1 Nephi 3:31, the brothers were reprimanded by an angel, yet they continued to murmur and complain as soon as the angel left. These examples demonstrate two ways I can lose light and knowledge that was given to me through obedience and humility.

  1. Murmuring and complaining
    See  Seeds of Rebellion.
  2. Rudeness
    Laman and Lemuel are celebrating and make themselves merry which in and of its self is not bad, but its the way they are doing it with rudeness. They are celebrating their accomplishments—they just walked hundreds of miles through a barren wilderness, built a ship and are sailing to a new land. And, they are taking credit for the power of God. Rudeness comes from selfishness and is the opposite of gratitude and humility. It blinds one from seeing and recognizing the power of God and His tender mercies in their life because they become so focused on themselves and their own accomplishments. Rudeness is caused by a prideful self assurance with no regard for others including God.

Retention of Knowledge

In this instance, the scriptures are using the negative to emphasize the importance of this principle. However, I can turn it around and see the positive side or how I can retain the knowledge that the Lord has given me.
  1. Take initiative and work hard without complaint with the Lord. Search diligently for His ways and turn to the Atonement for strength.
  2. Act with a grateful heart and in humility by recognizing the workmanship of the Lord and relentlessly watching for His tender mercies.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Sea of Life | 1 Nephi 18:8

Lehi's journey across the sea is very symbolic of this life just like their journey in the wilderness. I have created the following metaphor to illustrate the similarities between sailing on the open sea and this life's journey:

We set sail in the sea of life when we are born and our destination is the promised land or eternal life. We are equipped with the ability to steer our ship through our free will. We are lead with a compass or the Spirit of God and navigational charts, the word of God. The winds of affliction can move us to our ultimate goal and without them we would sit on a sea of glass making no progress. If we use the expert skills taught to us from a loving Heavenly Father, we can use the winds of afflictions and the compass to boldly navigate towards the promised land. The journey won't be easy and will require daily study of our charts. It will require great dedication as we tack back and forth across the sea sometimes only making small progress toward our destination. It will require great skill to navigate around dangers and obstacles. If we use the compass and charts and  persevere, we will make it to our destination. However, if we are not prepared for the winds of affliction or drive directly into them, it may overpower us and drive us back away from our destination to sorrow, bitterness, sin and regret.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Lord's Way | 1 Nephi 18:1-8

I love the Book of Mormon and how even the narrative parts contain amazing principles and patterns. In this instance, Nephi is talking about finishing the ship and preparing for the journey to the promised land. The thing that stood out to me the most was how Nephi kept mentioning that he worked the timbers and built the ship the Lord's way not after the manner of men. Man's knowledge is limited and flawed and can lead to disaster. Whereas, following the Lord's way brings great joy and blessings that transcends this mortal existence. Nothing is impossible when following Christ's way.

How is the Lord's way found? The scriptures are full of examples illustrating this. In short, anything that leads to Christ leads to the knowledge of His ways. I will outlined a few of the most important ones that Nephi provides in these verses.

"I, Nephi, did go into the mount oft." The Temple of the Lord is a special place where the Lord teaches His ways—it is His higher education or the Lord's university. Not only that but it can bring one incredible peace from the outside world. I had the opportunity to attend the Temple a few days ago after not having been for several months and was amazed at how much peace and comfort that I felt as soon as I walked in. I think that the Lord's way becomes more clear while in an environment of peace and while pondering upon the eternities.

"I did pray oft unto the Lord." Prayer is an amazing thing, it is a conduit directly into heaven. Family and personal prayer like temple worship can be a quiet reflective time where the Lord can teach and show His ways.
"Therefore, ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh, receiveth; and unto him that knocketh, it shall be opened."  3 Nephi 27:29
"The voice of the Lord came unto my father." Follow the prophet because he knows the way. His counsel will lead to the Lord and His paths.
"Learn to keep your eye on the prophet. He is the Lord’s mouthpiece and the only man who can speak for the Lord today. Then live close to the Spirit so you may know the truth of all things."  Ezra Taft Benson p.148
"We had prepared all things." Preparation is essential to finding the Lord's way. This includes scripture study, pondering, meditation, and prayer. Putting on the full armor of God each day will prepare the mind and heart to know the will of the Lord.

"According to that which the Lord had commanded us." The Lord's way is outlined through His commandments. His path can be seen more clearly as His statutes are kept, and as His statutes are kept, more of His way will be revealed.
"Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart." Psalms 119:33-34
The Lord's way may not be attractive especially to the natural man, and it may not follow worldly wisdom. However, the end results is glorious and beyond comprehension even to the worldly. Even Nephi's hard hearted brothers were affected by the Lord's way after His work was completed. It led to humility and thankfulness for a time.
"My brethren beheld that it was good, and that the workmanship thereof was exceedingly fine; wherefore, they did humble themselves again before the Lord." 1 Nephi 18:4
I am grateful for Jesus Christ and His ways. I have been extremely blessed as I have tried to follow His path. It is difficult at times to trust His will, but as I look back, I am always amazed at the workmanship of His hand in my life.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Straitened | 1 Nephi 17:40-41

Heavenly Father loves all of His children and it gives Him tremendous joy when His children follow Him. Straitening them in the wilderness with His rod or His word is a symbol of His love like a loving father who corrects his children because he sees the great potential that they have.

He straitens me in the wilderness of life through trials and afflictions to help soften my heart and to make me who I need to be. And, He provided a way for me to be healed—the way is simple, I must only look to the Atonement of Christ and allow Him to heal me from sin, despair, and grief.

1. To make narrow.
2. To contract; to confine.
3. To make tense or tight.
4. To distress; to perplex; to press with poverty or other necessity

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Look Behind | 1 Nephi 17:13-14

Christ lights the path before and prepares the way ahead. However, sometimes it is hard to see the difference that He is making without taking a look behind. I know that the Lord is leading me as I look back I can see the Lord's tender mercies in my life as He has led me through trials and afflictions. I have no doubt that He lives and loves me and is helping me each step of the way through this life.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Take Initiative | 1 Nephi 17:8-10

Nephi is a great example of someone who works hard and takes initiative. He is told to build a ship and he does not sigh, groan, murmur, or complain. He immediately starts thinking about how he can accomplish the commandment that he has been given and what he needs from the Lord to get started. I am sure that he was well aware of his weaknesses and inadequacies when it came to building something on so grand a scale, but he trusted in the Lord and His plan.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Nourished and Strengthened | 1 Nephi 17:1-3, 12

These verses speak directly to me as I feel the weight of the physical body pulling on me. If I keep the commandments of the Lord, He will nourish and strengthen me both physically and spiritually and provide a way to accomplish the things He has given me to do.
1. To feed and cause to grow; to supply with nutriment.
2. To cherish; to comfort.
3. To educate; to instruct; to bring up; to nurture.

In this particular example, the commandment given by the Lord to eat raw meat completely went against the wisdom of the world and the traditions of the Jews. However, by following the Lord, they received two blessings:
  1. The raw meat was sweet and edible.
  2. They were nourished and strengthened beyond their normal capacity, especially the mothers bearing and nursing children.
It is the same today as I keep His commandments, I will be blessed with power and strength to accomplish His work. His commandments may not be easy to follow, they may not always make sense, and they may not be pleasing to popular culture. However, following His commandments will bring great reward in this life and the life to come. It will bring strength and power and act as a safety net of protection to me and my family.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Chastened | 1 Nephi 16:25, 39

If I allow the Lord to chasten me and I turn away my anger and repent of my sins and humble myself before Him then He will bless me beyond measure—not only me but my family and my posterity.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Weary in Affliction | 1 Nephi 16:35-36

Life is hard and it is easy to get weary in affliction. The tendency is to lose faith and turn to familiar worldly things to find solace from the pain like the daughters of Ishmael, but this kind of relief is fleeting and does not bring lasting peace. It may dull the pain to the mind and body, but it also brings hopelessness.

Turning to the Lord in times of weariness through prayer and feasting upon His word will bring lasting peace and a deep hope for the future. He may not take away the affliction and He may not bring physical rest, but He will bring great spiritual power and healing.

The strength gained may seem short-lived, but by continuing to turn towards Christ daily, the power will continue to flow. Sometimes it comes at the very breaking moment on the verge of collapse, but it will come as a healing balm to the soul in need.

I take great comfort in knowing that He is the perfect Consoler, He knows the pain that I specifically go through. He knows what I need most. I am thankful for His healing and strengthening power. I find the will to keep going only through Christ and His Atonement.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Seeds of Rebellion | 1 Nephi 16:20-23

Reading daily brings a lot of peace and comfort as I read about the Atonement, but it also opens my eyes to areas where I am lacking or in need of improvement.

Affliction can lead to humility before the Lord or it can lead to being negative. Negativity manifests itself as a small murmur which, left unchecked, leads to complaining against the Lord then on to rebellion.

Murmuring Complaining Rebellion

Why does this progression happen? It ultimately falls within the pride cycle, but I believe that it boils down to the state of the heart. The natural man's defense against pain and heartache is to harden or close off the heart by keeping those negative emotions locked within. As those negative emotions build, they are released through murmuring and complaining which leads to further hardening of the heart.

Murmuring Hardened Heart Complaining More Hardened Heart Rebellion

Open rebellion does not just happen spontaneously, it requires a hardened heart and begins as a quiet murmur. It applies to all aspects of life whether it be family, church, school or work. Murmuring is like cancer. It may not seem bad in the beginning stages but it grows to all-out rebellion—whether it be against family members, church leaders, bosses or God.

Allowing these negative feelings to run wild even if those receiving them are well deserving, will lead to hardening of the heart against the Lord and His Spirit. This progression can only be broken like the pride cycle through humility before God—not submissiveness to the situation but to God and His will.

I love Nephi's example of positive behavior in the face of adversity. Nephi was suffering from affliction as much as the others, yet he chose not to murmur. He chose to be positive about the situation. He chose to do something about his situation. He had no experience building bows and arrows—he was use to finely-crafted ones that were made out of steel, but he worked hard, did his best, inquired of the Lord, and the Lord did the rest.

I can take the easy way out by sitting back and complaining about my circumstances or I can do as Nephi did, strive to make things better by working hard to resolve the situation and by going to the Lord for help. He will help me even if it means giving me power to bear my burdens.

It's a choice to be negative or positive. Choose to BE POSITIVE no matter what the circumstances. Negativity can be habit-forming—the knee-jerk reaction to any bad situation. I struggle with breaking this mold. But, I know that as I turn to the Savior and trust in Him that I can find the confidence to change.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Follow the Lord | 1 Nephi 16:16-17

I love how the journey of Lehi and his family in the wilderness parallels this life's journey. After separating themselves from Jerusalem, I can visually see them busily preparing and gathering goods for the long journey ahead. I can feel the feelings of uncertainty of the unknown dangers that lay ahead—only knowing that God had prepared a land, a choice land above all others. Now, I can see Lehi's experience overlaying my own life—the separation from the world; the gathering of God-given resources such as scriptures, prayer, priesthood power; the anxiety for the difficult journey ahead and the pain and suffering that comes with it; and the hope and assurance that God has prepared a special land, choice above all others prepared for the weary and faithful.

Lehi and his family made it through the challenges of the wilderness because they were lead by God through the Liahona to the more fertile parts of the land. This may not seem very significant when compared to the wildernesses of this land, but compared to the Middle East where the land is mostly barren the task is very difficult. It was a matter of life and death, travelers had to be highly knowledgeable of oases and areas that could be safely traversed. It was only through the grace and mercy of God that they were able to make it to the promised land—one day at a time, relying wholly on the small tender mercies of a loving Heavenly Father.
It is the same today. If I follow the Lord, He will lead me in the more fertile parts of this life. The world is becoming more and more barren as time goes on, so it is becoming harder and harder to find the fertile parts. The activities and values of the world are like subtraction stew—they leave one empty and hungry for more, never being satisfied. I must be faithful in following the Lord by preparing myself and my family every day or I will not make it through the wilderness of life.

Walking in the fertile parts of the wilderness does not mean life will be easy. This life would not be a test without trials. The difference between barren and fertile soil is the amount of life-giving water, or the living waters, of Christ. Following the Lord leads me to the Savior and the Atonement where I can be imbued with power and strength to overcome the afflictions and pains of a barren and godless world.

The journey will be long and I will be weary along the way so I  must, like Lehi, take adequate rest and family time while journeying in the wilderness of life.
And after we had traveled for the space of many days, we did pitch our tents for the space of a time, that we might again rest ourselves and obtain food for our families.
This precious family time whether it be eating together, family scriptures, family prayer, family home evening, family vacation or just spending time together will bring rest and nourishment to the weary souls of any family.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Lord's GPS | 1 Nephi 16:10, 29

Lehi received the world's first GPS unit. However, this GPS worked off of faith instead of batteries and instead of the signal bouncing off of satellites it bounced off of heaven itself.

The Liahona gave Lehi and his family physical and spiritual directions. They had the word of God through the scriptures but the Liahona gave them information about the ways of the Lord and His plan for them that was specific to their immediate needs. In my day, I have access to that same help and direction through the words of modern-day prophets and Church authorities. I am grateful for general conference and the Church magazines because the Lord is able to give me specific information about what I can do in my particular circumstances to grow. These small tender mercies are great blessings as I am given directions back to my Heavenly Father.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Exhort Thy Brethren | 1 Nephi 16:4-5

Nephi never gave up trying to teach his brothers and helping them follow the paths of God even when they kept turning to sin. He's a great example of perseverance. He saw a vision of his people and their destruction and he could probably guess the end results of his brothers' decisions yet he never gave up on them.

Heavenly Father never gave up on Laman's and Lemuel's descendants as can be seen later on when He sent Ammon and his brothers and the brothers Nephi and Lehi back to reclaim the Lamanites. I am grateful for my father because he has shown this same perseverance with me and my brothers. He never gives up on us.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Inquire of the Lord | 1 Nephi 15:8, 11

Have ye inquired of the Lord?

This is the universal question I should be asking myself when in any situation where I feel confusion or concern—whether it be while reading the scriptures, listening to conference, or any life decision.

Nephi tells how to receive answers to those questions:
  • Soften heart
  • Ask in faith
  • Believe that an answer will be received
  • Keep the commandments

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Understanding the Scriptures | 1 Nephi 15:2-3

Before a study skill can become effective, Nephi brings up one more point--the first rule to understanding the scriptures. Scriptures that are difficult to understand can only be unlocked by inquiring of the Lord. This kind of knowledge is a gift from God and must be asked for. However, asking is only the first step, work is required to fully unlock these treasures of great knowledge that the Lord has in store. Inquiring of the Lord must be an active part of each study skill used throughout the learning process.

I believe that Heavenly Father in His eternal wisdom made scriptures often times difficult to understand or with more advance levels of understanding on purpose so that men would have to rely on Him through His Spirit in order to understand them. This brings confidence, trust and comfort knowing that I am not alone and that I do not have to rely solely on my limited, fallible knowledge. If I ask Him with a sincere desire, He will unfold the scriptures before my eyes and I need not remain in darkness.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Looking back on this experience, I marvel at how I was being prepared to receive more light and knowledge as in just a few chapters I would be starting into Isaiah. It was no accident that Nephi deferred to John sending me to Revelation to finish up his vision. Where I learned new skills and was able to practice them. Where I stumbled into that section in the institute manual that has changed my perception of the scriptures.

One of the interesting things about this experience was how I learned by not following a skill. When I started Revelation, I decided since it was on a tangent that I would not write anything down. Coming back to Revelation in preparation for these last several blog posts, I noticed that I had lost most of the knowledge I had gained from reading it. I believe it was no accident that this happened because two things became very clear from this:
  1. As mentioned in the Write It Down blog post, I learned to write it or lose it.
  2. It was impressed upon my mind that this experience was not about the destination but about the journey. It was not about what I learned specifically from John's revelation but what I learned along the way and the skills learned that would help me in the future. I cannot help but see how this parallels this life's journey. It is not just about the the end results of this life or gaining eternal life but it is about the lessons, skills, attributes gained and who I become that matters most. Also, life's choices do not always turn out the way they were envisioned because it may not be about the end results of the choice but rather what is learned that is more significant and lasting.
In a few chapters, the time will come to really start practicing the skills learned as Nephi and Jacob start to quote Isaiah. These skills may need to be refined, expanded and added upon along the way. I am grateful for this experience and the skills that I have learned. I know the Lord is preparing the way for me, if I but follow Him.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cultural Differences

Understand the cultural and language differences between our nation and Israel.

This last skill is a huge key to unlocking most scriptures especially in deciphering the words of prophets such as Isaiah and John the Revelator. I ran into this while reading in the New Testament institute manual section (54-7), and it has single-handedly changed the way I read and interpret scripture. It takes practice and requires other previously discussed skills, especially Use Other Sources, to unlock meaning. For example, other sources can provide the much needed background information for interpreting the symbolism associated with historical people, locations and events.

This concept is understanding the fundamental differences in language. This nation is part of the Western civilization which cultures do not mince words, they say what is meant and describe using very exacting language so there is little flexibility for interpretation. Whereas, the civilization that Israel is a part of, uses language in a more artistic way by using words as symbols to describe what is being talked about like an artist painting a picture. Words of comparison and similarities are used to describe what is meant instead of using precise descriptive language. The language focuses on the end results or feelings and not on the means of getting there. This allows for greater flexibility in describing a concept—it allows for greater artistic and poetic freedom. Speakers or writers would use commonly known concepts to describe ideas. Known people, places, political or historical events may be used to represent other concepts. Human emotion may be projected on inanimate objects or nature may be projected on human qualities. Stories are often used to illustrate life lessons. Parallels drawn between the ages. Master craftsmen such as Christ could use the language to bury hidden treasures of knowledge because of this flexibility and freedom. The more knowledgeable a reader is on the subject of the analogy the more they would obtain from it.

I feel like I do not quite have the vocabulary to describe exactly what I mean. But, I have found that the more I practice by looking for underlying symbolism rather than just taking things for face value, the more I see the beauty of the Hebrew language. I have come to love the words of the scriptures especially Isaiah.

O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments—then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea. Thy seed also had been as the sand; the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof. Isaiah 48
And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me. Isaiah 49