Saturday, November 15, 2014


Welcome to The Everyday Saint blog. I hope this blog will become a place for you to return to again and again to find inspiration, peace, hope, and a safe haven away from the crazy world we call life. I chose the title for two reasons: (1) to show how the scriptures can be life changing for the normal, run-of-the-mill saint, and (2) to show how it takes daily work to be a true follower of Christ.

My main purpose is to show that with a little elbow grease and a heavy dose of the Spirit that the everyday saint can find higher meaning and individual direction to their normal (or not-so-normal) everyday life through daily scripture study.

I will show by sharing examples of what verses and chapters mean to me and how they relate to me, but keep in mind, this is simply a mechanism for generating enthusiasm and desire. The real end goal is that as you take scripture study to a new level, God will reveal to you how the scriptures relate directly to your circumstances.

I will share with you some study helps that have made a difference for me. However, these should be viewed as tools in a toolkit. Each tool is meant for a specific situation and may not be effective in other situations. Each of us learn and reason differently so some tools may not work well for you. There is no right way; we must simply adapt our tools to what works best for us.

Along the way, I will share personal stories and experiences to try and help motivate and encourage. We all have challenges handpicked by a loving Heavenly Father specifically designed to help us grow in the exact way that will help us achieve our fullest potential. Every individual's trials and afflictions are different but no less difficult for them than what others face.

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